Our Charity Partner

Meet Wiphan, our friend and charity partner for the Zambia Aboki Box. This is an amazing organization with a mission that speaks to the very heart of what Aboki Box is all about – loving people and helping to better the lives of children and families around the world. We chose Wiphan because of their dedication to helping Zambian widows and orphans know God’s love and realize their worth all while providing life-changing education and skills training. They make a way for orphans, who would have no other way, to go to school in a safe environment. In school these children are taught and nurtured by caring adults, receive a daily hot lunch and basic medical care. Widows are prepared for business with a choice of skills training in either computer keyboarding, hospitality (hotel/lodging industry) or jewelry crafting. We believe, as does Wiphan, that education and skills training are valuable and critical tools to help the people of Zambia break the cycle of poverty.
Learn More about Wiphan